Soundscapes from ``The vOICe'': Seeing with your Ears!

Browsers Limitations



 » Wait until the applet is running before trying any examples below! « 

« The vOICe sonification applet (for introduction and usage)

Netscape 2.0: The vOICe applet itself even works with Netscape 2.0. However, JavaScript-based links as used for the examples on the various pages (e.g., clickable images) will not work, because Netscape 2.0 does not support JavaScript-to-Java communication.

Netscape 3.0: With Netscape 3.0 for Windows-95, you cannot paste a URL address into an applet text field, so you have to type and check very carefully (With MSIE 3.0 and Sun's appletviewer this problem does not occur). Alternatively, you can use the ``pastable'' form given below as a workaround:

Another inconvenience is the poor Netscape applet color palette, which gives bad results with applets on 256 color displays. The vOICe applet is best viewed on a 24-bit TrueColor display, although a 16-bit display may be sufficient. Finally, Netscape 3.0 has the nasty habit of restarting an applet after page reentry only once the applet gets within visible range. This means that a restart may follow after you changed its settings elsewhere on the page. Workaround: after returning to this page, first scroll the applet into visible range (so it will restart), before proceeding with the examples and controls elsewhere on this page.

Netscape 4.0: With Netscape Communicator 4.0 and 4.01 for Windows-95, by default you cannot use a local applet to read a local file, resulting in a Java console error message stating "Security exception: security violation: codebase available to compare". Solution: quit Communicator (because it overwrites the file prefs.js on exit), and put the line

     user_pref("signed.applets.low_security_for_local_classes", true);

in your prefs.js file (normally located at C:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\UserName\prefs.js). Then restart Communicator.

For other operating systems, the same change applies, only the location and name of prefs.js may be different, e.g.,

     \Netscape\Users\UserName\prefs.js    (Windows NT)
     ~/.netscape/preferences.js    (UNIX)
     System Folder:Preferences:Netscape f:Netscape Preferences (Macintosh)

Other settings you might try in prefs.js include

     user_pref("security.lower_java_network_security_by_trusting_proxies", true);
     user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

However, be very careful with lowering security barriers this way, because malicious applets from other sites could do nasty things.

Netscape 4.5 for the Mac: I received several reports indicating that with Netscape 4.5 for the Mac, the applet does not give any sound (Netscape 4.5 for Windows-95 works OK though.) It appears to be a browser bug: please try another browser/version for the Mac.

Netscape 6: Does not run the applet at all due to its use of Java 1.3. Please try another (older) browser/version.

MSIE 3.0: In case you run Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 on a downloaded copy of javoice.htm and the applet, you need to add the directory path of this copy to the CLASSPATH in your autoexec.bat file and reboot in order to be able to load sound and image files. This is not required for Netscape 3.0 and Sun's appletviewer.

I have received user reports indicating that some, but not all, MSIE 3.02 users (not MSIE 3.0 or 3.01) have problems loading image files from this site. If you have such problems, you should probably get the Java VM update for MSIE from Microsoft which fixes several Java problems with MSIE.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer