The vOICe Contact Information

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Photograph of Peter Meijer Via this page you can contact Dr. Peter Meijer, inventor and developer
of The vOICe technology.

E-mail address:

Please include "The vOICe" in your subject line, to reduce chances
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[In rare cases your mail server may be blacklisted, causing mail to the
above address to bounce. If - and only if - this happens, you may send
e-mail to the alternate GMail account seeingwithsound @ gmail ¤ com.]

The vOICe is a privately-owned research project that succesfully runs
without venture capital, while generating a positive cash flow through
its highly efficient global operations and collaborations with leading
research institutes and other partners.

In case you want to know more about Peter Meijer's other scientific work
check out his  Curriculum Vitae and Dynamic Neural Networks page.
Additionally, there is a  media coverage listing. Other presence on
 VK (Russian)


Thank you for your interest in The vOICe Open Innovation approach!

When there is pure observation without direction, without fear, without motive, without the past, only then it may enter, come rushing in with the sound of many waters, a loud thunder. The immeasurable love, compassion, intelligence. Once you understand, you will not try to find it again.

The vOICe on Twitter Common misspellings: Peter Mejeri.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer