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Design note on the "bionic eyes for the blind" prototype head-mounted camera setup (The vOICe "wearable webcam") as depicted above was constructed from a Creative Labs Video Blaster webcam and a UNION Reality UR Gear headset. The credit for designing the individual components therefore goes to these respective companies.

Although one might be tempted to make a new augmented reality device look like high-tech fancy technology, such as in the helmet-like headset for The vOICe as shown on this page, this and Star Trek type visor goggles or a terminator-like appearance would probably be totally unacceptable to most blind users of The vOICe. Most of them hate to attract attention that relates to their visual condition, and it may be better to have a more neutral if not "invisible" (camouflaged) appearance in the form of unobtrusive-looking video sunglasses with a hidden camera and stereo earbuds for gaining fully immersive visual experiences without drawing undue attention.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer