Process your own file with The vOICe Java applet!

The upload feature is meant exclusively for use with The vOICe Java applet, such that website visitors can process their own files online.

Your upload file:

Allowed filename extensions: '.jpg', '.gif', '.wav', '.au'. No spaces in filenames. File size must be less than 2 megabytes. Audio files must use an 8 or 16 bits per sample format. It is not allowed to upload copyrighted or offensive material, and uploaded files are regularly deleted.

In case your browser is set to allow cookies, the whole process will be automatic in that, after uploading your file, The vOICe applet page will automatically load with the applet now processing your last uploaded file.

Manual processing option: after successfully uploading for instance a file named "myimage.gif", you can in The vOICe Java applet enter the URL

to process your image file. All uploaded files are public and can be found at Note that you can apply the "Neg" checkbox in The vOICe applet and then reload the image file from the applet to hear the negative of an image, as needed with many spectrograms that were created with the convention that louder is darker. For extensive use, it will be more convenient to install and use The vOICe Java application. That will allow you to load your own files locally, while it offers more control overall.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer