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The vOICe is in principle best used with video sunglasses - sunglasses with a hidden camera, also known as spy glasses - that can be connected directly to a PC's USB port for both the video signal and the camera's power supply. In addition, reliability of nearby obstacle detection may be further enhanced with The vOICe sonar extension, which uses ultrasound for echolocation support. One such assembly is shown on this page (sonar transducers kindly provided by Sergey Ershov of Baltic State Technical University and Sonar Ltd. in St. Petersburg, Russia). The legs of the glasses here also contain tiny hidden microphones for giving speech commands.

For third-party vendors of various components for wearable and fully immersive use of The vOICe, see the third-party suppliers page.

Another system that uses sonar transducers mounted on a glasses frame is  "Electronic Bat Ears", developed by Jufang He of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at Hong Kong Polytechnic Unversity.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer