Image to Sound Mapping [Part 2]

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Environmental scene

The following figures further illustrate the mapping principles with the real-life scene of a parked car.

[Frame 1][Frame 2][Frame 3][Frame 4]

Movie-like sequence of original photographs, each one in turn to be converted into one-second soundscapes with image reconstructions like

Illustration based on spectrogram for parked car

This annotated image was actually reconstructed from one second of sound generated by the The vOICe original prototype hardware instead of by software.

At the (lower) left edge of the reconstructed scene, you can observe the extra spectral contribution of the click which tells you that a freshly grabbed image is going to be translated into sound, always starting with the left-most column of the pixel matrix.

In a sequence of image frames, it is essential to have aural clues to know what the horizontal position of the vertical scanline is. For a monaural mapping, it is sufficient to know when each new soundscape (re)starts: horizontal position is then represented by time-after-start. One clue for that is the soundscape discontinuity that usually arises automatically from the image content whenever the scanline jumps from the rightmost position in one image to the leftmost position in the next image - in the above sequence of frames this is most apparent when looking at the triangle-shaped dark grey road area on the lower left of each frame. However, not all images need contain sufficient discontinuity clues to make this left-right orientation apparent. Moreover, there may also exist similar discontinuities within the image that ambiguate or confuse this implicit discontinuity-based left-right orientation. Therefore, The vOICe mapping either uses stereo panning or explicitly adds a marked ``click'' whenever the scan of a new soundscape starts. In fact, the original hardware of The vOICe prototype used the short time (only 20 milliseconds) needed for grabbing and digitizing a new video frame to simultaneously generate the required click.

Image processing for auditory enhancement

Image processing may be used to improve the perception of soundscapes, as illustrated below by means of an example:

Auditory Image Enhancement
Apart from the direct image to sound conversion that has been described so far, we could consider applying image processing techniques to enhance certain properties of images that would otherwise be barely noticeable in the corresponding soundscapes.
For example, edges or contrast may first be enhanced or the grey scale inverted before mapping the resulting image into its corresponding soundscape. On the left we illustrate the effect of edge detection and contrast enhancement on the parked car scene.
Furthermore, somewhat analogous to variable-focus glasses, we may mix the results of various image processing techniques to obtain a representation that allows the user to adapt the camera orientation in order to move the relevant parts of the view into the most appropriate image processing area.

Multidisciplinary issues

The vOICe mapping brings up questions about a wide range of topics, touching on many different scientific disciplines, like physics, electronics, physiology and psychology. In the following, I will only very briefly outline some findings, thoughts and ideas relating to various disciplines.

Central fovea | Limitations | Cochlear implants | Neurophysiological issues
Central fovea
With the human eye, resolution and sensitivity on the retina are not spatially uniform. For instance, the central fovea has a markedly higher resolution than the peripheral parts of the retina. Some might argue that something similar may be desirable in an auditory representation. However, one can just as well say that the moving column in our mapping already forms a kind of auditory (line-shaped) fovea, with the built-in scanning forming an analogy for (pre-defined) saccades. Furthermore, our mapping does not enforce a uniform mapping: any pixel we translate into sound could have come from a spatially distorted image, obtained via optical means (mirrors, lenses) or obtained via electronics or software (non-equidistant sub-sampling of a higher resolution image). In other words, by appropriately distorting the input image to The vOICe, one could easily create a multi-resolution/multi-grid mapping without changing the mapping by The vOICe in any way. The same would apply to non-uniform brightness sensitivity by using an optical filter at the input, and to non-uniform spectral loudness sensitivity for The vOICe output by using a frequency dependent electronic filter. Finally, The vOICe already includes the possibility to handle non-uniform frequency sensitivity by providing a programmable frequency distribution. All these transformations will, and should, preserve the topological relations in terms of connectedness and neighbourhood.

One should keep in mind, though, that the preferred mapping of The vOICe, using an exponential (hence non-uniform) frequency distribution and a constant conversion time for each column in a spatially uniform camera image, has several major advantages: a straight line now ``sounds straight'' whatever the position and orientation of the line in the image is, a horizontal line gives a constant pitch, etc. The further addition of spatial distortion to images could easily destroy this desirable preservation of simplicity and similarity: consider for instance what would happen to the auditory result for a straight line running partly through some spatially distorted ``foveal'' region! Therefore, at this stage it is advised to largely adhere to the mapping of The vOICe as proposed so far, or at least to stay aware of major detrimental effects that any significant change to this mapping could have.

Limitations to the resolution obtainable via the image to sound mapping result from the uncertainty relation between frequency and time. Mathematically, this limitation is derived from Fourier analysis. (To make a brief digression: it is in fact an acoustical analog of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation between energy and time in quantum mechanics, since energy is, via Planck's constant, proportional to the frequency of probability waves.) In our application, a detailed mathematical analysis of side lobe effects leads to an estimated maximum resolution on the order of 60 × 60 pixels for a one second conversion time and a 5 kHz auditory bandwidth, using an equidistant frequency distribution. The first side lobes for time-limited sounds of a given pixel will then worst-case be positioned at the main lobes of the two neighbouring pixels in a column, while the acoustic energy in the other-than-first side lobes can be neglected. Thus we limit the ``cross-talk'' or frequency-spreading due to individual pixels. A further discussion is on the page about the frequency-time uncertainty relation.

Further physiological restrictions to frequency discrimination in human auditory perception are highly dependent on the particular sound patterns involved in the experiments. From the width of the so-called critical bands of the human hearing system one would predict the separability of at most several tens (20 to 30) of frequency components for complex sounds in which auditory masking effects dominate. On the other hand, the difference limen or just noticeable difference (JND), determined for a single sinusoidal tone with slowly varying frequency, would suggest the separability of hundreds of components. The use of 64 frequencies in image-to-sound mapping therefore seems reasonable from a perceptual viewpoint as well. Even if this large number turns out to be overly optimistic for complicated environmental images, where informational masking may play an additional significant role, it will at least reduce the production of annoying auditory artifacts for special cases like simple images: due to aliasing effects, a lower resolution would lead to an unwanted staircase-like discontinuous tone sequence for the single straight line example, while continuous lines should be perceived as continuous tones.

Cochlear implants - looking beyond the horizon
Since the width of the critical bands seems to be largely determined by the mechanical resonance properties of the cochlea, as indicated by the much finer frequency resolution for individual sinusoidal tones, one could theorize about advantages of by-passing the cochlea. This touches on old debates about the significance of the (mechanical, von Békésy) place theory of hearing versus the temporal theory of hearing (via neural temporal analysis). The former likely dominates at higher frequencies (above, say, ~1 kHz), whereas the latter could dominate at lower frequencies. Some degree of collective temporal neural processing has been shown to exist for frequencies up to 5 kHz.
Progress in the development of cochlear implants for the deaf might one day get beyond the critical band resolution. Having a tonotopic 64-channel cochlear implant would then exactly match the mapping now provided by The vOICe. The fact that some 30000 nerve fibers leave the cochlea suggests that by-passing the mechanical parts of the natural cochlea might remove the critical band limits - but not the limitations due to the frequency-time uncertainty relation, while other limitations, like those due to current spreading, may be introduced. The cochlear implant, in combination with The vOICe, would then theoretically not only open new vista's for the deaf and the blind, but even for the deaf-blind.

Neurophysiological issues
From the previous discussion, it is apparent that the most appropriate cortical map would likely be two-dimensional, involving a tonotopic dimension to map frequency to place, and a second dimension to map time (delay) to place. The existence of tonotopic maps is already well established, with tonotopic connections going all the way from the cochlear ganglion to the inferior colliculi and the thalamus (medial geniculate body), and from the thalamus relaying to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe. Unfortunately, much less is known about the neurophysiology associated with the spatio-temporal processing needed for analyzing the dynamics of time-varying spectra as in speech and music. Although it is possible to conceive biologically plausible implementations in which a series of neighbouring one-dimensional tonotopic maps are connected via - or alternatively receive their inputs from - continuous (or perhaps even latched?) axonal/synaptic/dendritic neural delays to form such a two-dimensional cortical sheet, there is presently little neurophysiological evidence available for that. Nevertheless, one would expect the existence of such a map to explain the excellent efficiency with which humans are capable of integrating a sequence of phonemes to obtain the semantics of a spoken phrase, even in noisy environments where a number of intermediate phonemes are lost. In fact, it would seem rather strange if evolution would not have invented this simple and obvious extension from a single tonotopic map to a map in which a momentary sound spectrum propagates much like a moving wave-front to neighbouring (one-dimensional) tonotopic maps in a cortical sheet. This sheet, which is then a two-dimensional spatial (spectrographic) map, would act as a short term memory for time-frequency patterns with time scales on the order of seconds. Individual spoken words and their immediate context could be recognized, and subsequently their semantics derived through further interpretation, by classifying the output of neurons in this sheet via additional neural structures with afferent connections tapping from this sheet. One can hypothesize that this is basically what the sensory speech area of Wernicke is about, as perception of sound direction (which is not even required for our mapping without stereo extensions) appears to be handled already in the primary auditory cortex. In this context, it is interesting to note that the Wernicke area receives fibers from the visual cortex as well: this plays an important role in the human ability to understand written text, which again requires accumulation of information over time. However, for many of these matters a much more solid foundation is needed to replace or support these conjectures. Given the large uncertainty even about the neural pathways and processing, it is much too early to discuss the details of information encoding and the amount of information preservation in the human brain. Studies of Kohonen-type computer models of self-organization for spectrographic analysis could prove helpful in judging the plausibility of spectrographic map formation during brain development under spectrographically rich auditory stimuli.

Vos noenter tsu der shul, alts vayter fun Got.
[Yiddish proverb]

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