Seeing with Sound - The vOICe
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Video sunglasses, with covert camera above nose
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Interesting external links

Prototype sonar extension for The vOICe (Sergey Ershov), Russia.

Blindness Related

iFeelPixel: tactile feedback to complement The vOICe auditory display, France
Technology Esoterica blog covering sensory substitution (Pranav Lal), India.
SeeingWithSound image gallery (Pranav Lal), India.
Visus Technology, Inc., "smart" glasses for the blind, with sensory substitution (Stephen McCormack, John Wyatt), USA.
EyeBorg project - camera and transmitter embedded in prosthetic eye (Rob Spence), USA
Tyflos/iCare - Intelligent Vision Assistant for the Blind (Nikolaos Bourbakis and Sethuraman Panchanathan), USA
AUXEL image-to-sound project for the blind (Omkar Nisal), India
ISAS - In Situ Audio Services, spatialized audio system for the blind on smartphones (Jeffrey Blum), Canada
EYE21 image-to-sound project for the blind (Guillermo Peris Fajarns), Spain
Project RAY - Smartphone solutions for visually impaired (Boaz Zilberman), Israel
Virtual Acoustic Space Project at University of La Laguna (Josep Garcia, Nicolas Sosa), Spain
CASBliP - Cognitive Aid System for Blind People, with Audio Maps (European IST project)
Looktel Mobile and LookTel BaseStation - Phone (Windows Mobile) and PC based object recognition and speech labeling system (USA)
Haptic Radar / Extended Skin Project (Alvaro Cassinelli, Carson Reynolds, Masatoshi Ishikawa), Japan
Sendero Group GPS-Talk: GPS-based personal navigator (Mike May), USA
Miniguide: hand held sonar device for the blind (Greg Phillips), Australia
Palmsonar: hand held sonar device for the blind (Kiyoshi Takeuchi), Japan
Scylab feelix: optical environment sensor (Thomas Leberer), Germany.
VISTAC Laser-Langstock: laser-based obstacle detection (VISTAC GmbH), Germany.
Electronic Bat Ears: ultrasound-based echolocation device (Jufang He), Hong Kong
Perceptual Alternatives: Sonic Pathfinder (Tony Heyes), Australia
BatForBlind's BAT 'K' Sonar-Cane (Leslie Kay), New Zealand: no longer online
UltraCane - cane with sonar from Sound Foresight Technology Limited, UK
I-Cane project - plans a modular cane (Huub Grooten, I-Cane Foundation/Stichting I-Cane, MHP), The Netherlands
Audio-Visual Walker for Movement Disorders (Yoram Baram, Technion), Israel
VOICEYE - Audible Paper (AD I&C, ADTrust), Korea
"Magic Eyes" - Glasses offering audio navigation input (K.N. Tsang), Hong Kong
Tongue Display Unit (TDU) from the University of Wisconsin (Kurt Kaczmarek), USA
WICAB Inc. - Tongue display as human-machine interface (Robert Beckman, Mitchell Tyler and Paul Bach-y-Rita), USA
EyePlusPlus Inc. - AuxDeco Forehead Sensory Recognition System (FSRS), camera-based tactile display (Yonezo Kanno), Japan
[PDF] Human Artificial Vision - hand-based tactile display for the blind (Luis Octavio Ortigoza Ayala), Mexico
Tactile vest and haptic interface research at Purdue University (Hong Tan), USA
Association of Sensory Substitution (Tenji Wake), Japan
Nanovoice: Soundscapes from the GameBoy (Julian Rohrhuber and Oliver Wittchow), Germany.
IIBN: Institute for Innovative Blind Navigation (Doug Baldwin), USA
Naviton - personal navigation system for the blind (Andrzej Materka, Paweł Strumiłło), Poland
World Access for the Blind (WAFTB) & SoundFlash (Daniel Kish), USA
Audio Graphing Calculator (John Gardner), USA
ViewPlus/IVEO - Adding touch and audio access to visual information (John Gardner), USA
SWAN - Sonification System for Wearable Audio Navigation (Bruce Walker and Frank Dellaert, Georgia Tech), USA
Nemeth - teaching math to visually disabled students (Susan Osterhaus), USA
BATS - Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System (Gary Bishop), USA
Tactile World - Successor of VirTouch mouse with tactile feedback (Matthew Wohl, Reuven Ulmansky and Nati Avner), Israel
Optek Systems - NOMAD Mentor map/floorplan/route display (Terry Kenaghan), Australia
Bartimus Accessibility Foundation / Stichting Bartimus Accessibility, The Netherlands
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), UK
NCSD - The National Coalition for Students with Disabilities (Stephanie Bayer), USA
Royal National College for the Blind (RNC, Mark Drury), UK
NovaVision VRT - vision restoration therapy (stroke/injury) based on neuroplasticity (Bernhard Sabel), USA
NeuroVision - vision restoration therapy (myopia/amblyopia) based on neuroplasticity (Nir Ellenbogen), USA
Project Prakash - Learning to see after restored eyesight (Pawan Sinha), USA
CORTIVIS: Cortical Visual Neuroprosthesis for the Blind (Eduardo Fernández), Spain
The Qualia Manifesto - Qualia Movement (Ken Mogi, Sony), Japan
Vision Prosthesis Project at University of Newcastle and UNSW (Gregg Suaning), Australia
MEMS-based retinal implant from Second Sight, LLC (Alfred Mann and Robert Greenberg), USA
HandsonTechnologeyes (David Poehlman), USA
MD Support: The Eyes of the Macular Degeneration Community (Judy Prevost), USA
ICDRI - International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (Bob Cline), USA
Interesting Links Human Interface Technology Laboratory (HITL), USA

Interesting Links Kurzweil Educational Systems - Scanning, reading and writing software for the blind, USA


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Seeing with Sound - The vOICe (Peter Meijer), The Netherlands.

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Other interesting external links (auditory research, miscellaneous)

"And all the people saw the voices (ve-kol ha-am ro'im et ha-kolot)..." [Exodus 20:15]

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