Abstract and Literature

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From P.B.L. Meijer, ``An Experimental System for Auditory Image Representations,''
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 112-121, Feb 1992. ( DOI)

This paper was one of the 46 articles that were selected for reprint in the 1993 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics, pp. 291-300, and discussed in the synopsis on image and signal processing in medical informatics, pp. 261-263.

Full article available in HTML and as a  PDF file (5 MB).


Abstract - This paper presents an experimental system for the conversion of images into sound patterns. The system was designed to provide auditory image representations within some of the known limitations of the human hearing system, possibly as a step towards the development of a vision substitution device for the blind. The application of an invertible (1-to-1) image-to-sound mapping ensures the preservation of visual information.

The system implementation involves a pipelined special purpose computer connected to a standard television camera. The time-multiplexed sound representations, resulting from a real-time image-to-sound conversion, represent images up to a resolution of 64 × 64 pixels with 16 grey-tones per pixel. A novel design and the use of standard components have made for a low-cost portable prototype conversion system having a power dissipation suitable for battery operation.

Computerized sampling of the system output and subsequent calculation of the approximate inverse (sound-to-image) mapping provided the first convincing experimental evidence for the preservation of visual information in the sound representations of complicated images. However, the actual resolution obtainable with human perception of these sound representations remains to be evaluated.

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A new system has been presented for the conversion of images into sound patterns. The hardware implementation employs a special pipelined architecture for the real-time digital calculation of sound samples. The design aimed at obtaining a portable, low-power and low-cost system. To this purpose, the prototype system was constructed entirely out of standard, commercially available components. The technical feasibility of the approach has been proven by the construction of a fully functional system, which, by means of inverse mappings, was shown to preserve image information up to a resolution corresponding to estimates for achievable resolution. Some practical parameter restrictions were derived from known limitations of the human hearing system. The resolution provided by the system itself appears sufficiently high to deal with many practical situations normally requiring human vision, as the system was designed towards possible later use by the visually impaired.

However, the further development towards a practical application of the system still awaits a thorough evaluation, with blind persons. This is needed to determine and quantify the limits of attainable image perception, before any firm conclusions about the usefulness of the system can be drawn, because only the technical feasibility has now been established. Such an evaluation should involve both (young) children and adults, while distinguishing the congenitally blind from the late-blinded, because neural adaptability may drop rapidly with age, and the neural development may strongly depend on prior visual experiences.


The author would like to thank P.A. Kuppen for preparing the screen photographs for this paper, and H.E.M. Mélotte and L.F. Willems from the former Eindhoven Institute for Perception Research (IPO) for providing initial spectrographic evidence for the correct functionality of the image-to-sound conversion system. [Paul Kuppen.]
Paul Kuppen died at the age of 32 in a plane crash on September 20, 1992, together with my friends and colleagues Henk Hegen and Michiel Smulders. Paul took the screen photographs from the 1084S monitor of his Commodore Amiga computer during the spring of 1991, sometime around midnight to have the darkness needed for highest contrast and best quality. Wished we could have continued our lively and profound discussions about the essence of self...
Paul Kuppen

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Other related or relevant literature

This literature list is no longer maintained, although occasionally new entries might be added

It would be particularly interesting to learn of more neuroscientific research pertaining to auditory-to-visual cross-modal perception, Kujala et al. (1995) “Visual cortex activation in blind humans during sound discrimination,” Neurosci. Lett. 183, 143–146 neural plasticity and bandwidth of cross-modal neural pathways. See also ``Cross-Modal Sensory Streams,'' Conference Abstracts and Applications, ACM SIGGRAPH 98, p. 184, as part of an invited panel presentation and demonstration of The vOICe for Windows at SIGGRAPH '98, Orlando, Florida, 1998, ``Seeing with Sound for the Blind: Is it Vision?,'' an invited lecture given at the VSPA 2001 conference on Consciousness, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 1, 2001, ``Seeing with Sound: Wearable Computing for the Blind,'' an invited presentation given at the NIC2001 (Nordic Interactive Conference), Copenhagen, Denmark, Thursday November 1, 2001, and ``Seeing with Sound for the Blind: Is it Vision?,'' an invited presentation at the plenary opening session of the Tucson 2002 conference ``Toward a Science of Consciousness,'' Tucson, Arizona, USA, April 8, 2002, as well as an invited presentation at the workshop on Multimodal Interactions in Perception, Paris, France, April 15 and 16, 2002, at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphi Darboux.

Could one define sensible fMRI/ERP/MEG/PET/DTI/VSDI experiments to investigate the potential of The vOICe auditory display technology in a systematic manner to obtain more objective information about "neural correlates of sensory substitution"? Perhaps using  TMS or rTMS? One could think of measuring brain activity (metabolism, blood flow) in the visual cortex induced by auditory input, both before and after training for understanding the soundscapes that now represent visual objects by their equivalent auditory objects. Further input and insights from neuroscientists would be most welcome. Also very relevant for our purposes is psychoacoustical research on auditory profile analysis. If you can contribute with relevant literature or other information, please report.

S.-R. Afraz, R. Kiani and H. Esteky, ``Microstimulation of inferotemporal cortex influences face categorization,'' Nature, Vol. 442, pp. 692-695, August 10, 2006.

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A. Amedi, F. Bermpohl, J. Camprodon, L. Merabet, P. Meijer and A. Pascual-Leone, ``LO is a meta-modal operator for shape: fMRI study using auditory-to-visual sensory substitution,'' poster presentation at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2006) in Florence, Italy, June 11-15, 2006. Abstract available online.

A. Amedi, J. Camprodon, L. Merabet, P. Meijer and A. Pascual-Leone, ``Towards closing the gap between visual neuroprostheses and sight restoration: Insights from studying vision, cross-modal plasticity and sensory substitution,'' Journal of Vision, Vol. 6, No. 13, 12a, 2006. Abstract available  online.

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August 2002

In the context of discussing a brain implant and whether The vOICe gives "just sound":

Just sound?.... No, It is by far more, it is sight ! There IS true light preception generated by the vOICe. When I am not wearing the voice the light I perceive from a small slit in my left eye is a grey fog. When wearing the vOICe the image is light with all the little greys and blacks. Yet a definite light image. True it is not color but it is definitely like looking at a black and white TV show. The light generated is very white and clear then it erodes down the scale of color to the dark black. I don't really see adiffrence in this light as compaired to the "light phosphenes " they are talking about. Maybe it is one of those things you have to experience to understand. Yet light is light and color is color. So no matter the way it is generated it is the same for me!

October 2003

After reading the following excerpt from the October 7, 2003  BBC News article about The vOICe:

"Our assumption here is that the brain is ultimately not interested in the information 'carrier' (here sound) but only in the information 'content'," says Meijer. "After all, the signals in the optic nerve of a normally sighted person are also 'just' neural spiking patterns. What you think you 'see' is what your brain makes of all those firing patterns."

Hooray! This is the way it feels! The sight stimulated threw the use of the vOICe program becomes a natural way of seeing. The soundscape sounds over time are relegated to the subconscious "background" noise and what is left is a form of true and working black and white vision!!


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