Appendix D
Time Domain Extensions

In this appendix, we will slightly generalize the numerical time integration and transient sensitivity expressions that were previously derived only for the Backward Euler integration method. The main purpose is to incorporate the trapezoidal integration method, because the local truncation error of that method is O(h3), with h the size of the time step, instead of the O(h2) local truncation error of the Backward Euler integration method [9]. For sufficiently small time steps, the trapezoidal integration is therefore much more accurate. As has been mentioned before, both the Backward Euler integration method and the trapezoidal integration method are numerically very stable—A-stable—methods [29]. The generalized expressions, as described in the following sections, have also been implemented in the neural modelling software.

D.1 Generalized Expressions for Time Integration

From Eqs. (3.1) and (3.5) we have

⌊ F (s ,δ )  =   y  +  τ   dyik +  τ    dzik-
|     ik  ik        ik     1,ik dt      2,ik dt
⌈                dyik
         zik  =    dt

with, for k > 1,

        Nk-1                    Nk-1
s   =    ∑  w    y     -  θ  +  ∑   v   dyj,k-1-
 ik      j=1   ijk  j,k-1    ik    j=1  ijk   dt

        Nk-1                    Nk-1
    =    ∑  w    y     -  θ  +  ∑   v   z                              (D.2)
         j=1   ijk  j,k-1    ik    j=1  ijk  j,k-1
The sik are now directly available without differentiation or integration in the expressions for neuron i in layer k > 1, since the zj,k-1 are “already” obtained through integration in the preceding layer k - 1. The special case k = 1, where differentiation of network input signals is needed to obtain the zj,0, is obtained from a separate numerical differentiation. One may use Eq. (3.16) for this purpose.

Eq. (D.1) may also be written as

  τ2,ik dzik- =   F(sik,δik) -  yik -  τ1,ik zik
|⌈      dt
      dyik  =   z
       dt        ik

We will apply a discretization according to the scheme

                          (                      )
                                     ′  x - x′
f (x, ˙x, t) = 0    →     f  ξ1x+  ξ2x  , ------, t  =  0

where values at previous time points in the discretized expressions are denoted by accents ( ). Consequently, a set of implicit nonlinear differential—or differential-algebraic—equations for variables in the vector x is replaced by a set of implicit nonlinear algebraic equations from which the unknown new x at a new time point t = t + h with h > 0 has to be solved for a (known) previous x at time t. Different values for the parameters ξ1 and ξ2 allow for the selection of a particular integration scheme. The Forward Euler method is obtained for ξ1 = 0, ξ2 = 1, the Backward Euler method for ξ1 = 1, ξ2 = 0, the trapezoidal integration method for ξ1 = ξ2 = 1
2 and the second order Adams-Bashforth method for ξ1 = 3
2, ξ2 = -1
2 [9]. See also [10] for the Backward Euler method. In all these cases we have ξ2 1 - ξ1. In the following, we will exclude the Forward Euler variant, since it would lead to a number of special cases that require distinct expressions in order to avoid division by zero, while it also has rather poor numerical stability properties.

Using Eq. (D.4), we obtain from Eq. (D.3)

⌊            ′
| τ2,ik zik---zik- =   ξ1 (F (sik,δik) - yik -  τ1,ik zik)
||         h
||               +   ξ2 (F (s′ik,δik) - y′ik -  τ1,ik z′ik)
⌈     yik --y′ik                  ′
          h     =   ξ1 zik + ξ2 zik

Provided that ξ10—hence excluding pure Forward Euler—we can solve for yik and zik to obtain the explicit expressions

⌊         {
               2                    ′
|| yik =       ξ1F(sik,δik) +  ξ1ξ2F (sik,δik)
||             [                      ]                        }
||          +   - ξ1ξ2 + ξ1τ1,ik- +  τ2,ik2- y′ik +  ξ1 +-ξ2-τ2,ik z′ik
||         {                h      h}            h
||              2     τ1,ik    τ2,ik
||     ∕       ξ1 + ξ1  h  +   h2
⌈         yik --y′ik   ξ2  ′
  zik =      hξ1   -  ξ1 zik

where division by zero can never occur for ξ10, h0. This equation is a generalization of Eq. (3.4): for ξ1 = 1 and ξ2 = 0, Eq. (D.6) reduces to Eq. (3.4).

D.2 Generalized Expressions for Transient Sensitivity

The expressions for transient sensitivity are obtained by differentiating Eqs. (D.2) and (D.6) w.r.t. any (scalar) parameter p (indiscriminate whether p resides in this neuron or in a preceding layer), which leads to

         Nk-1  [                          ]
∂sik-      ∑     dwijk              ∂yj,k--1     dθik-
∂p    =          dp   yj,k-1 +  wijk   ∂p     -   dp
         Nj=k1-1  [                         ]
      +   ∑     dvijkz     +  v   ∂zj,k--1
          j=1     dp   j,k- 1    ijk   ∂p

which is identical to the first equation of (3.8), and

⌊ ∂y              [(    )    (    )  (∂s  )]
| -∂pik  =      ξ21    ∂∂Fp-  +   ∂∂sF-    -∂ipk
||                   [(    )′     ik     (     )′]
||                     ∂F-      ( ∂F--)′  ∂sik
||            + ξ1ξ2    ∂p    +   ∂sik      ∂p
||              [   (∂τ1,ik)       ( ∂τ2,ik)] (           ′ )
||            -  ξ1  --∂p-   +  1h-  -∂p--    ξ1zik + ξ2zik
||                                        (     )′
||            + [- ξ ξ  + ξ τ1,ik +  τ2,ik]   ∂yik-
||                  1 2    1  h      h2     ∂p
||                      [(      )           (     )′]  }
||            + ξ1-+-ξ2   ∂-τ2,ik   z′ik +  τ2,ik  ∂zik-
||                 h        ∂p                ∂p
||           {                        }
||       ∕      ξ2 +  ξ τ1,ik +  τ2,ik
||               1     1 h       h2
||           ( ∂y  )    (∂y  ) ′
|⌈ ∂z          ∂pik-  -   -∂pik      ξ  ( ∂z  )′
  -∂ipk  =   --------hξ--------- - ξ2   -∂ipk
                      1            1

which generalizes the second and third equation of (3.8).

For any integration scheme, the initial partial derivative values are again, as in Eq. (3.9), obtained from the forward propagation of the steady state equations

  ∂s  ||       N∑k-1[ dwijk      ||            ∂yj,k-1||   ]    dθik
|| -∂pik||    =        -dp--yj,k-1||    + wijk  --∂p--||     -  dp--
||     |t=0    j=1             |t=0                t=0
|| ∂yik||    =  ∂F- +  -∂F- ∂sik||
||  ∂p |t=0    ∂p     ∂sik  ∂p |t=0
|⌈     ||
  ∂z∂ipk||    =  0

corresponding to dc sensitivity.

D.3 Trapezoidal versus Backward Euler Integration

To give an intuitive impression about the accuracy of the Backward Euler method and the trapezoidal integration method for relatively large time steps, it is instructive to consider a concrete example, for instance the numerical time integration of the differential equation = 2π sin(2πt) with x(0) = -1, to obtain an approximation of the exact solution x(t) = -cos(2πt). Figs. D.1 and D.2 show a few typical results for the Backward Euler method and the trapezoidal integration method, respectively. Similarly, Figs. D.3 and D.4 show results for the numerical time integration of the differential equation = 2π cos(2πt) with x(0) = 0, to obtain an approximation of the exact solution x(t) = sin(2πt). Clearly, the trapezoidal integration method offers a significantly higher accuracy in these examples. It is also apparent from the results of Backward Euler integration, that the starting point for the integration of a periodic function can have marked qualitative effects on the approximation errors.


Figure D.1:
The exact solution x(t) = -cos(2πt) (solid line) of = 2π sin(2πt), x(0) = -1, t [0,2], compared to Backward Euler integration results using 20 (large dots) and 40 (small dots) equal time steps, respectively. The scaled source function sin(2πt) is also shown (dashed).


Figure D.2:
The exact solution x(t) = -cos(2πt) (solid line) of = 2π sin(2πt), x(0) = -1, t [0,2], compared to trapezoidal integration results using 20 (large dots) and 40 (small dots) equal time steps, respectively. The scaled source function sin(2πt) is also shown (dashed).


Figure D.3:
The exact solution x(t) = sin(2πt) (solid line) of = 2π cos(2πt), x(0) = 0, t [0,2], compared to Backward Euler integration results using 20 (large dots) and 40 (small dots) equal time steps, respectively. The scaled source function cos(2πt) is also shown (dashed).


Figure D.4:
The exact solution x(t) = sin(2πt) (solid line) of = 2π cos(2πt), x(0) = 0, t [0,2], compared to trapezoidal integration results using 20 (large dots) and 40 (small dots) equal time steps, respectively. The scaled source function cos(2πt) is also shown (dashed).