Stereoscopic Vision for the Blind

Binocular vision support for The vOICe auditory display

[Available only upon registration of The vOICe for Windows]

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There is an affordable 3D webcam on the market: the  Minoru 3D Webcam (Minoru3D) from Novo generates anaglyph video, and anaglyph video input is exactly what The vOICe expects for its stereoscopic vision and depth mapping. Unfortunately, the webcam cannot interface directly with the binocular vision features of The vOICe for Windows because it still lacks a Video for Windows compliant video driver, while its Novo anaglyph driver also does not show up as a WDM driver. However, it does work with Microsoft Directshow, and therefore the same approach as described below for HeavyMath Cam 3D can be applied, using active window sonification. When using Microsoft AMCAP, the anaglyph driver shows up as "Minoru 3D Webcam" (formerly named Novo - Minoru) in the menu Devices. Note that you must use the Minoru 3D Webcam Setup Wizard (formerly named Novo - Minoru Webcam Setup Wizard) program to make the two camera views perfectly aligned for larger distances.

This page discusses how The vOICe technology supports binocular vision with suitable stereoscopic camera hardware. In orientation and mobility applications for blind users, the orientation component is supported well by the standard single camera setup, but the mobility component can benefit from better depth and distance perception in order to detect nearby objects and obstacles. Binocular vision makes this possible, and will thus further enhance the applicability and versatility of The vOICe as an ETA (Electronic Travel Aid) for the blind in addition to its general vision substitution and synthetic vision features.

In designing an electronic travel aid (ETA) for the blind, a key advantage of a sonar device over a camera used to be that it is relatively easy with sonar to measure distances to nearby obstacles, allowing one to generate a warning signal when there is a collision threat. In using a single camera this turns out to be extremely hard, because the distance information in a static camera view is essentially ambigious and requires much a priori knowledge about the physical world to derive distances from recognized objects. This is what people blinded in only one eye do all the time, without apparent effort, but for machine vision, the required recognition of objects remains a daunting task. One partial solution is to derive size and distance information from video sequences of a single camera while moving around (this is what people blind in one eye do as well), but a more powerful and reliable method is to make use of binocular vision, also called stereoscopic vision or stereopsis. By comparing the slight differences in images obtained from two different simultaneous viewpoints, the distances to nearby objects and obstacles can be estimated. This approach also works with static scenes. Moreover, by now knowing distances and apparent (angular) sizes in the camera view, the user can deduce the actual sizes of nearby objects without first having to recognize them.

3D anaglyph for red/green glasses
3D anaglyph for sighted viewing with red/green glasses

The vOICe binocular processing uses so-called anaglyphic video input. An anaglyph is an image that is created by combining two viewpoints through different color filters. For instance, the left-eye view may be taken through a red filter while the right-eye view is taken through a green or cyan filter. Next, the two differently colored views are overlaid on top of each other. Sighted viewers can then again see the image in 3D by looking at the anaglyph through red-green glasses: the red filter in front of the left eye blocks the green or cyan component and transmits only the left-eye red image while the green filter in front of the right eye transmits only the right-eye image. The human brain subsequently combines the slightly different views into one perceived three-dimensional view. Distance information is then apparent from something called "disparity", the small visual displacements of the red and green/cyan color components for nearby objects. Whereas the left-eye and right-eye view may coincide perfectly for far-away objects, the mismatch for a nearby object tells how close this object is. This is the principle upon which The vOICe's 3D stereo vision support is based. Instead of the human brain, The vOICe now analyses the different color components for visual displacements and from that derives a distance or depth map for use in depth-to-audio sensory substitution. By default, The vOICe stereo vision option will map distance to brightness, but since this goes at the expense of visual information at large distances (important for orientation) and at the expense of surface textures, other options are available for experienced users to map distance information to spatialized sound without loosing the other valuable visual information. However, distinguishing foreground and background will again be harder than with the default stereo vision distance mapping mode.

The following example illustrates how a binocular view with stereo images from a visually highly cluttered scene gets processed by The vOICe into a distance map where brighter (louder) means closer. The nearby tree trunk clearly stands out in the resulting distance map, as are some parts of the parked car that is right behind the tree, whereas the clutter of the visually complex distant background is completely suppressed. The sky and distant houses, other parked cars and trees are rendered invisible in favour of nearby objects and obstacles. The 18K MP3 audio sample shows the corresponding soundscape for the extracted distance map.

Red image component
Red color component of greyscale left-eye image.
Cyan image component
Cyan color component of greyscale right-eye image.
Red-cyan anaglyph image
Combined red-cyan 3D anaglyph.
Distance map
The vOICe distance map as extracted from anaglyph image.

Registered users can load the anaglyph image into The vOICe for Windows after switching to the Stereoscopic View mode via the menu Options | 3D to get a distance map derived in real-time from the disparities in this anaglyph view. When experimenting with other anaglyphs, note that the color filters may have to be different, and more importantly, that only anaglyphs derived from greyscale views will give good results due to the required strict separation of left and right view.

Various stereoscopic vision options can be set via the menu Edit | Stereoscopic Preferences.

Image source: courtesy of University of Tsukuba, Japan. Disparity at close range set to 20 pixels.

Stereoscopic vision preferences dialog

Among the radio button mapping options is also the possibility to sound the left eye image to the left ear and the right eye image to the right ear (or the other way around by swapping the color filter selections for left and right eye views, that is, sound the left eye image to the right ear and the right eye image to the left ear). When the camera views are properly calibrated to have coinciding views for large distances, the soundscapes will be the same as without stereo vision for and distant items and landmarks, and differences will arise only from visual disparity at close range. A key advantage over sounding a depth map is that distant landmarks - important for orientation - are not discarded, but a disadvantage is that visual disparity will be less salient than when sounding the corresponding depth map. The following example illustrates for a view from the Avatar 3D science fiction movie how the disparity of nearby objects causes a subtle but noticeable stronger spatialization in the corresponding anaglyph soundscape. It is not yet known if blind people can learn to exploit this.

Plain 2D soundscape (blue component)
Non-anaglyph soundscape.
Avatar 3D soundscape (red to left ear, cyan to right ear)
3D anaglyph soundscape.

Can you hear differences between the regular non-anaglyph soundscape and the 3D anaglyph soundscape?

Home-made setup using HeavyMath Cam 3D driver or Minoru 3D webcam

HeavyMath Cam 3D and The vOICe An easy and cheap way to quickly hack together very basic stereo vision support for The vOICe is to use two identical webcams with a WDM driver (most modern webcams should qualify). The third-party program  HeavyMath Cam 3D lets you capture from the two webcams and show live anaglyph video on the screen. Alternatively, you can use the  Minoru 3D webcam, in combination with Microsoft AMCAP to show the anaglyph view on the screen. The Minoru 3D webcam already contains two identical webcams mounted in a convenient rigid frame. In addition, you run the registered version of The vOICe, and you turn on the active window client sonification mode via Control F9. Next you Alt tab to the HeavyMath Cam 3D, Minoru 3D or AMCAP window to capture and sound the live anaglyph view with The vOICe. Next you switch The vOICe to its stereo vision mode via the menu Options | 3D | Stereoscopic View, and depending on the current settings in the menu Edit | Stereoscopic Preferences, The vOICe will use the anaglyph screen view to calculate and sound a live depth map or sound the left camera view to the left ear and the right camera view to the right ear. Moreover, blind users can perform horizontal and vertical camera calibration of the two views independently, by selecting the option for sounding the difference between left-eye view and right-eye view, and then adjusting (mis)alignment until all distant visual items vanish from the view, indicating a perfect match between left and right view for large distances. A limitation with the current procedure is that you will also see/hear the window borders and menu of the anaglyph window, but this can be alleviated by setting a relatively high capture resolution such as VGA. You will also typically need to adjust some parameter settings in The vOICe, such as for disparity, to obtain acceptable results. Of course with two separate webcams you also need to improvise some stable fixture to mount and adjust the two webcams such that their views coincide at infinity. Finally, always first start the anaglyph viewing software and only then The vOICe, such that The vOICe will not connect to (and thereby block) one of the two webcams that the anaglyph viewing software needs to connect to.

Home-made setup using Microsoft Kinect

If you have any program that shows a live Kinect depth map on the computer screen, you can again make use of The vOICe active window client sonification mode via Control F9, and Alt tab to the window that shows the Kinect depth map. Thus it is very easy to create an auditory display version of the  Kinect for the Blind project that won second place in the Russian finals of the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011. In this case you do not need the stereo vision features of The vOICe because the Kinect device and its driver directly gives a real-time 3D depth map. Unfortunately, the Kinect thus far fails in typical outdoor lighting conditions where sunshine overwhelms its projected infrared dot patterns, and the Kinect is also too bulky for unobtrusive head-mounted use. Indoor use of The vOICe in combination with the Kinect was demonstrated in 2015 by Giles Hamilton-Fletcher and Jamie Ward of the University of Sussex in the BBC television program BBC Click ( YouTube). The vOICe soundscapes of Kinect depth maps let blind people "see" nearby objects and their shapes, including for instance the pose of a person.

Stereo vision hardware

With the exception of the Minoru 3D Webcam, there are no suitable and affordable stereo video cameras on Using greyscale camera setup the market yet. However, a physicist or electronics engineer should be able to design and construct a dedicated stereo camera ("3D camera") setup by combining some standard commercially available components. One could use two black-and-white (greyscale) cameras to have greyscale video directly. The image on the left shows the simplified schematics that are obtained when using greyscale cameras. The greyscale video signal from the left-eye camera could be used as the "red" (R) signal for the RGB input of a video capture card while the greyscale video signal from the right-eye camera could form the "green" (G) or "cyan" (G+B) signal for this same RGB input. Note that the two cameras need to be "genlocked" to have synchronized video signals that can be captured as separate video signals and then merged into one color signal. The use of genlock requires at least one of the cameras to offer a synchronization input. Without genlock support in the cameras, the capture card must have proper provisions for video frame synchronization.

Vendors that can offer an end-user hardware solution for anaglyph video generation for The vOICe are welcome to report, for possible inclusion in the third-party suppliers page.


As an alternative for using black-and-white cameras, Bad stereo camera setup (non-greyscale) Good stereo camera setup one could also use two genlocked color cameras, in which case one should first mix the RGB signals from each color camera into greyscale video, because we need greyscale-based anaglyphs for good results. This is shown schematically in the image on the left. The image on the right again stresses that picking and capturing individual color components directly is not a good idea: that would for instance render a bright red object on a black background invisible in the right-eye view, while in reality its brightness should still make it stand out - as needed for making a distance map from the left-right viewing disparity! Next, the greyscale video signal from the left-eye camera could be used as the "red" (R) signal for the RGB input of a regular video capture card while the greyscale video signal from the right-eye camera could form the "green" (G) or "cyan" (G+B) signal for this same RGB input.

The vOICe's advanced stereo vision functionality has so far undergone only limited testing and good results under all circumstances cannot be guaranteed. Especially in mobile applications, one has to carefully consider the possible safety hazards caused by any depth mapping artefacts and inaccuracies. Step-downs in particular will remain hard to detect reliably, while it can be clearly be dangerous when any nearby or fast-approaching objects go entirely undetected ("time-to-impact" is often a more relevant measure than actual physical distance, and is applied in The vOICe's monocular "collision threat analysis" option). On the other hand, some depth mapping artefacts and inaccuracies may be tolerable. For instance, (small) parts of nearby objects may appear to be at a larger distance as long as some parts of these nearby objects still get their correct nearby depth reading. "False alarms" where (even small) parts of distant objects appear to be at close range are more disturbing. Any receding objects may even be deliberately filtered out as they would not normally present a safety hazard, while a reduction of clutter could reduce the mental load for the blind user.

Left and right camera images must be carefully calibrated, such that they coincide at infinity (parallel camera model). Lacking that, the machine equivalent of the medical condition of "strabismus" (eye misalignment) may yield poor stereo vision results.

Related work

Companies offering dedicated stereo vision cameras include  Point Grey Research (FireFly,,  Focus Robotics (nDepth, and  Videre Design (DCAM,, and companies for time-of-flight (TOF) based image sensors and cameras include(d) 3DV Systems (ZCam, Z-Sense,, acquired by Microsoft in 2009), Canesta (, acquired by Microsoft) and  SwissRanger/MESA/CSEM (, originating from Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, Inc). The underlying principle of time-of-flight cameras is also known as LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging). Companies may wish to team up with The vOICe project to showcase their 3D camera products and concepts. Note that The vOICe for Windows does not support Firewire (IEEE-1394), because it requires Video for Windows compliance.

In the future, The vOICe for Android may support sounding depth maps generated by Google Tango or Intel RealSense based smartphones or augmented reality glasses.

Related work on using binocular vision input for blind people has been done by Phil Picton and Michael Capp of Nene College, Northampton, UK, as described in their paper  ``The optophone: an electronic blind aid'' (abstract). Another project using binocular vision input to create an auditory display for the blind is the  Virtual Acoustic Space (Espacio Acústico Virtual, or EAV) project of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC) and the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. Stephen Se and Michael Brady published an article titled ``Stereo Vision-based Obstacle Detection for Partially Sighted People'' at the Third Asian Conf. on Computer Vision (ACCV'98), Hong Kong, January 1998, pp. 152-159. John Zelek et al. of the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, Canada, have developed a stereo vision system for the blind using a tactile display for showing the nearest obstacles, as described in the online articles (in PDF format) R. Audette, J. Balthazaar, C. Dunk and J. Zelek,  ``A Stereo-vision System for the Visually Impaired,'' (Technical Report 2000-41x-1, School of Engineering, University of Guelph), S. Areibi and J. Zelek, ``A Smart Reconfigurable Visual System for the Blind",'' Conf. Smart Systems and Devices (SSD), Hammamet, Tunisia, March 27-30, 2001, and J. Zelek, D. Bullock, S. Bromley and Haisheng Wu, ``What the Robot Sees & Understands Facilitates Dialogue,'' Human-Robot Interaction, 2002 AAAI Fall Symposium (American Association for Artificial Intelligence), November 15-17, 2002, North Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA. UseRCams 3D sensor on glasses for CASBLiP project Imported anaglyph image file and extracted distance map Yoshihiro Kawai et al. from Tsukuba Electrotechnical Laboratory and Tsukuba College of Technology in Japan worked on a stereo vision system for the blind using a 3D spatial audio display, as described in Y. Kawai, M. Kobayashi, H. Minagawa, M. Miyakawa and F. Tomita,  ``A Support System for Visually Impaired Persons Using Three-Dimensional Virtual Sound,'' Int. Conf. Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2000), pp. 327-334, Karslruhe, Germany, July 17-21, 2000, Y. Kawai, F. Tomita,  ``A Visual Support System for Visually Impaired Persons Using Acoustic Interface,'' IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2000), pp.379-382, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 28-30, 2000, Y. Kawai, F. Tomita,  ``A Support System for Visually Impaired Persons Using Acoustic Interface - Recognition of 3-D Spatial Information,'' HCI International 2001, Vol. 1, pp. 203-207. and Y. Kawai, F. Tomita,  ``A Support System for Visually Impaired Persons to Understand Three-dimensional Visual Information Using Acoustic Interface,'' International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002), Vol. 3, pp. 974-977. Xiaoye Lu and Roberto Manduchi of the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz, worked on a system for  ``Detection and Localization of Curbs and Stairways Using Stereo Vision,'' International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2005), Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005. Simon Meers and Koren Ward of the School of IT and Computer Science at the University of Wollongong worked on a stereo vision system for the blind project named "ENVS" (electro-neural vision system),  ``A Substitute Vision System for Providing 3D Perception and GPS Navigation via Electro-Tactile Stimulation,'' 1st International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2005), Palmerston North, New Zealand, November 2005.  Koren Ward also applied for a patent on a tactile display  device for providing perception of the physical environment. Gopalakrishnan Sainarayanan of the University Malaysia Sabah is working on a system called SVETA (Stereo Vision based Electronic Travel Aid). Yi-Zeng Hsieh of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Central University of Taiwan in June 2006 completed a M.Sc. thesis titled  ``A Stereo-Vision-Based Aid System for the Blind.'' Lise Johnson and Charles Higgins of the University of Arizona worked on a stereo vision based system described in `` A Navigation Aid for the Blind Using Tactile-Visual Sensory Substitution,'' Proc. 28th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2006), pp. 6298-6292, New York, 2006. Andreas Hub, Tim Hartter and Thomas Ertl of the University of Stuttgart, Germany, worked on a stereo vision based system described in  ``Interactive Tracking of Movable Objects for the Blind on the Basis of Environment Models and Perception-Oriented Object Recognition Methods,'' Proc. 8th Int. ACM SIGACCESS Conf. Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '06), pp. 111-118, Portland, Oregon, 2006. The European IST project  CASBliP (Cognitive Aid System for Blind People, 2006-2009) aims to apply stereo vision and time-of-flight 3D vision techniques (UseRCams 3D sensor) for rendering enhanced images and audio maps. In 2008, Dah-Jye Lee, Jonathan Anderson and James Archibald of Brigham Young University, USA, proposed a `` Hardware Implementation of a Spline-Based Genetic Algorithm for Embedded Stereo Vision Sensor Providing Real-Time Visual Guidance to the Visually Impaired,'' EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2008, Article ID 385827, 10 pages, 2008. At the October 18, 2008 Workshop on Computer Vision Applications for the Visually Impaired (CVAVI 08) in Marseille, France, Juan Manuel Sáez Martínez and Francisco Escolano Ruiz of the University of Alicante in Spain proposed  ``Stereo-based Aerial Obstacle Detection for the Visually Impaired.'' At the 2009 Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment (CVHI 2009), M. Bujacz et al. presented  ``A proposed method for sonification of 3D environments.'' Vimal Mohandas and Roy Paily published a paper titled  ``Stereo disparity estimation algorithm for blind assisting system'' in the CSI Transactions on ICT, March 2013, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 3-8.

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