Chapter 5

To quickly develop new CAD models for new devices, as well as to keep up with the growing need to perform analogue and mixed-signal simulation of very large circuits, new and more efficient modelling techniques are needed. Physical modelling and table modelling are to a certain extent complementary, in the sense that table models can be very useful in case the physical insight associated with physical models is offset by the long development time of physical models. However, the use of table models has so far been restricted to delay-free quasistatic modelling, which in practice meant that the main practical application was in MOSFET modelling.

The fact that electronic circuits can usually be characterized as being complicated nonlinear multidimensional dynamic systems makes it clear that the ultimate general solution in modelling will not easily be uncovered—if it ever will. Therefore, the best one can do is try and devise some of the missing links in the repertoire of modelling techniques, thus creating new combinations of model and modelling properties to deal with certain classes of relevant problems.

5.1 Summary

In the context of modelling for circuit simulation, it has been shown how ideas derived from, and extending, neural network theory can lead to practical applications. For that purpose, new feedforward neural network definitions have been introduced, in which the behaviour of individual neurons is characterized by a suitably designed differential equation. This differential equation includes a nonlinear function, for which appropriate choices had to be made to allow for the accurate and efficient representation of the typical static nonlinear response of semiconductor devices and circuits. The familiar logistic function lacks the common transition between highly nonlinear and weakly nonlinear behaviour. Furthermore, desirable mathematical properties like continuity, monotonicity, and stability played an important role in the many considerations that finally led to the set of neural network definitions as presented in this thesis. It has been shown that any quasistatic behaviour can up to arbitrary precision be represented by these neural networks, in case there is only one dc solution. In addition, any linear dynamic behaviour of lumped systems can be covered exactly. Several relevant examples of nonlinear dynamic behaviour have also been demonstrated to fit the mathematical structure of the neural networks, although not all kinds of nonlinear dynamic behaviour are considered representable at present.

The standard backpropagation theory for static nonlinear multidimensional behaviour in feedforward neural networks has been extended to include the learning of dynamic response in both time domain and frequency domain. An experimental software implementation has already yielded a number of encouraging preliminary results. Furthermore, the neural modelling software can, after the learning phase, automatically generate analogue behavioural macromodels and equivalent subcircuits for use with circuit simulators like Pstar, Berkeley SPICE and Cadence Spectre. The video filter example in section 4.2.6 has demonstrated that the new techniques can lead to more than an order of magnitude reduction in (transient) simulation time, by going from a transistor-level circuit description to a macro-model for use with the same circuit simulator.

All this does certainly not imply that one can now easily and quickly solve any modelling problem by just throwing in some measurement or simulation data. Some behaviour is beyond the representational bounds of our present feedforward neural networks, as has been addressed in section 2.6. It is not yet entirely clear in which cases, or to what extent, feedback in dynamic neural networks will be required in practice for device and subcircuit modelling. It has been shown, however, that the introduction of external feedback to our dynamic neural networks would allow for the representation, up to arbitrary accuracy, of a very general class of nonlinear multidimensional implicit differential equations, covering any state equations of the form f(x, ˙x,t) = 0 as used to express the general time evolution of electronic circuits. It even makes these neural networks “universal approximators” for arbitrary continuous nonlinear multidimensional dynamic behaviour. This will then also include, for instance, multiple dc solutions (for modelling hysteresis and latch-up) and chaotic behaviour.

Still, it seems fair to say that many issues in nonlinear multidimensional dynamic modelling are only beginning to be understood, and more obstacles are likely to emerge as experience accumulates. Slow learning can in some cases be a big problem, causing long learning times in finding a (local) minimum1. Since we are typically dealing with high-dimensional systems, having on the order of tens or hundreds of parameters (= dimensions), gaining even a qualitative understanding of what is going on during learning can be daunting. And yet this is absolutely necessary to know and decide what fundamental changes are required to further improve the optimization schemes.

In spite of the above reasons for caution, the general direction in automatic modelling as proposed in this thesis seems to have significant potential. However, it must at the same time be emphasized that there may still be a long way to go from encouraging preliminary results to practically useful results with most of the real-life analogue applications.

5.2 Recommendations for Further Research

A practical stumbling block for neural network applications is still formed by the often long learning times for neural networks, in spite of the use of fairly powerful optimization techniques like variations of the classic conjugate-gradient optimization technique, the use of several scaling techniques and the application of suitable constraints on the dynamic behaviour. This often appears to be a bigger problem than ending up with a relatively poor local minimum. Consequently, a deeper insight into the origins of slow optimization convergence would be most valuable. This insight may be gained from a further thorough analysis of small problems, even academic “toy” problems. The curse of dimensionality is here that our human ability to visualize what is going on fails beyond just a few dimensions. Slow learning is a complaint regularly found in the literature of neural network applications, so it seems not just specific to our new extensions for dynamic neural networks.

A number of statistical measures to enhance confidence in the quality of models have not been discussed in this thesis. In particular in cases with few data points as compared to the number of model parameters, cross-validation should be applied to reduce the danger of overfitting. However, more research is needed to find better ways to specify what a near-minimum but still “representative” training set for a given nonlinear dynamic system should be. At present, this specification is often rather ad hoc, based on a mixture of intuition, common sense and a priori knowledge, having only cross-validation as a way to afterwards check, to some unknown extent, the validity of the choices made2. Various forms of residue analysis and cross-correlation may also be useful in the analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems and models.

Related to the limitations of an optimization approach to learning is the need for more “constructive” algorithms for mapping a target behaviour onto neural networks by using a priori knowledge or assumptions. For combinatorial logic in the sp-form the selection of a topology and a parameter set of an equivalent feedforward neural network can be done in a learning-free and efficient manner—the details of which have not been included in this thesis. However, for the more relevant general classes of analogue behaviour, virtually no fast schemes are available that go beyond simple linear regression. On the other hand, even if such schemes cannot by themselves capture the full richness of analogue behaviour, they may still serve a useful role in a pre-processing phase to quickly get a rough first approximation of the target behaviour. In other words, a more sophisticated pre-processing of the target data may yield a much better starting point for learning by optimization, thereby also increasing the probability of finding a good approximation of the data during subsequent learning. Pole-zero analysis, in combination with the neural network pole-zero mapping as outlined in section 2.4.2, could play an important role by first finding a linear approximation to dynamical system behaviour.

Another important item that deserves more attention in the future is the issue of dynamic neural networks with feedback. The significant theoretical advantage of having a “universal approximator” for dynamic systems will have to weighed against the disadvantages of giving up on explicit expressions for behaviour and on guarantees for uniqueness of behaviour, stability and static monotonicity. In cases where feedback is not needed, it clearly remains advantageous to make use of the techniques as worked out in detail in this thesis, because it offers much greater control over the various kinds of behaviour that one wants or allows a dynamic neural network to learn. Seen from this viewpoint, it can be stated that the approach as presented in this thesis offers the advantage that one can in relatively small steps trade off relevant mathematical guarantees against representational power.