The vOICe Math Functions

Accessible Graphing Calculator for the Blind

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« The vOICe for Windows

The auditory function plot option is to be used in combination with a suitable screen reader, using Control F2 to mute, if necessary. Pressing F8 opens the function plot dialog of the The vOICe's accessible graphing calculator. The dialog allows you to enter a function formula and set its x and y ranges, with optional function range fitting. Any user-defined function y of x gives an auditory function plot, or sound graph, with elevation y indicated by pitch in a left-to-right scan corresponding to a sweep of x. This procedure is in fact exactly the same as used with regular soundscapes of images, so there is no new or different mapping involved: it just corresponds to having a white curve on a black background, with the curve function specified by you. To give an illustration, the built-in example function 5*sin(x), or five times the sine of x, on an interval for x from -10 to +10, gives a sound as given in the following 44K soundscape file link. Note the extra fixed-pitch tone corresponding to the horizontal x axis, and the click in the middle corresponding to the vertical y axis.

The equivalent visual function plot is shown below on the left, with a screenshot of the auditory graphing calculator dialog, as activated by pressing function key F8, on the right.

Function plot for 5*sin(x) Graphing calculator dialog

From the dialog, you can also turn the axes on or off as preferred, and evaluate single points to obtain the numerical function value in an edit box. User settings are preserved across program runs, and you may temporarily leave the function plot mode by pressing the F8 toggle in order to change some other settings, such as the scan rate.

The following table lists the operators, functions, and constants that are supported by The vOICe auditory graphing calculator:

skip table
Operator Syntax Description
Addition + x+y is x plus y
Subtraction - x-y is x minus y
Multiplication * x*y is x times y
Division / x/y is x divided by y
Modulus % x%y is remainder of division x/y, integer x,y
Exponentiation ^ x^y is x raised to the power of y
Function Syntax Description
Exponentiation pow( , ) pow(x,y) is power x^y, x>0 | x=0, y>0 | x<0, integer y
Sine sin( ) sin(x) is sine of x
Cosine cos( ) cos(x) is cosine of x
Tangent tan( ) tan(x) is tangent of x
ArcSine asin( ) asin(x) is sin-1(x), x in [-1,1]
ArcCosine acos( ) acos(x) is cos-1(x), x in [-1,1]
ArcTangent atan( ) atan(x) is tan-1(x) onto [-#pi/2,#pi/2]
ArcTangent2 atan2( , ) atan2(y,x) is tan-1 (y/x) onto [-#pi,#pi]
Hyperbolic Sine sinh( ) sinh(x) is hyperbolic sine of x
Hyperbolic Cosine cosh( ) cosh(x) is hyperbolic cosine of x
Hyperbolic Tangent tanh( ) tanh(x) is hyperbolic tangent of x
Hyperbolic Arcsine asinh( ) asinh(x) is sinh-1(x)
Hyperbolic Arccosine acosh( ) acosh(x) is cosh-1(x), x >= 1
Hyperbolic Arctangent atanh( ) atanh(x) is tanh-1(x), |x| <= 1
Square Root sqrt( ) sqrt(x) is square root of x, x >= 0
Exponential exp( ) exp(x) is ex, base #e exponential function of x
Natural Logarithm ln( ) ln(x) is natural logarithm of x, x>0
Logarithm log10( ) log10(x) is base 10 logarithm of x, x>0
Logarithm Log( , ) Log(b,x) is base b logarithm of x, x>0, b>0
Absolute Value abs( ) abs(x) is absolute value |x|
Modulus mod( , ) mod(x,y) is real remainder of x/y, y != 0
Ceil ceil( ) ceil(x) is smallest integer >= x, as a real
Floor floor( ) floor(x) is largest integer < x, as a real
Round round( ) round(x) is rounded integer, as a real
Constant Syntax Description
Pi #pi constant, 4*atan(1)
TwoPi #twopi constant, 2 * #pi
E #e constant, exp(1)
Gamma #gamma Euler constant
Permittivity #eps0 permittivity vacuum (F/m), 8.854187783e-12
Permeability #mu0 permeability vacuum (H/m), 4.0e-7 * #pi
Speed of Light #c speed of light in vacuum (m/s), 2.99792458e8
Electron charge #q elementary charge (C), 1.6021892e-19
Electron mass #me electron rest mass (kg), 0.9109534e-30
Proton mass #mp proton rest mass (kg), 1.6726486e-27
Planck #h Planck constant (J s), 6.626176e-34
Avogadro #na Avogadro constant (1/mole), 6.022045e+23
Boltzmann #kb Boltzmann constant (J/K), 1.380662e-23

The vOICe for Windows can also be used with a camera to hear a printed graph, or with an Internet connection to hear on-line plots and graphs, e.g., for use in distance education. Another possibility is to work with powerful mathematics packages such as Mathematica, Maple, Matlab or Octave, using a screen reader for the expressions, and listening to any graphs or plots using the full screen GUI sonification option as activated by function key F9, or sonification of the active window (the window that has focus) via Alt F9. You may need to apply negative video F5 if the graphics involve dark lines on a bright background. Also, when using Mathematica with a screen reader, you should first issue the command "$PrePrint = InputForm", in order to suppress the default graphical representation of output formulas. For instance, the derivative of x^3, being "3 x^2" and obtained through the Mathematica command D[x^3,x], would normally be rendered in two lines, with the raised "2" on the first line and "3 x" on the second line, and screen readers that read line by line would therefore read this as "2 3 x". With the above command, the result will properly read "3*x^2". To avoid similar problems in using Maple, issue the Maple command "interface(prettyprint=0);" or else use the Maple menu to set Options | Output Mode | Line Print.

Example of hearing plots from the free Octave mathematics package:

The following line contains Octave commands for making a simple graph of a sine wave, plotted over an interval from 0 through 10:

x = 0:0.1:10; plot (sin(x));

When this command is executed from the Octave command line, Octave will launch gnuplot and you will get a window labelled "gnuplot graph". This window shows the curve that we want to hear. So now you start The vOICe for Windows. Next, press F5 to get inverse video, because gnuplot by default uses a bright (noisy) background, and you can only hear bright (loud) lines on a dark (silent) background. Then press Alt F9 to get sonification of the active window, which at that point is still The vOICe for Windows's own window. Just "Alt tab" to the window labelled "gnuplot graph" spawned by Octave, and you will hear the sine wave!

The same kind of procedure can be applied with any third-party mathematics or plot package! The vOICe for Windows renders the graphs generated by any other software at least partially accessible through the general screen sonification features. Thus you can gain access to the results of advanced mathematics features that are not included in the built-in graphing calculator.

Note: As an alternative to using The vOICe built-in scientific graphing calculator function for doing mathematics, you may wish to also consider John Gardner's  Audio Graphing Calculator software for the blind, the IVEO software from  Viewplus, or Robert Shelton's  MathTrax from NASA for sonified graphs. A European IST project aimed at making mathematics more accessible is the  LAMBDA Project. For Matlab-specific scripts for Matlab graph sonification similar to The vOICe's general active window sonification (Alt F9, F5), check out  MIST (Matlab Interactive Sonification Toolbox) by James Ferwerda of Cornell University. For general approaches to and material for learning math, including Nemeth codes, you are advised to visit the website of Susan Osterhaus on  teaching math to visually disabled students.

A useful resource for advice and discussion is also the  blindprogramming list of Dennis Brown. An approach based on directly programming graphics content is described on the Blind drawing with Logo and The vOICe web page.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer